The changes in the world, the era, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways, driving the adaptation and adjustments in global education. Digitalization in education is a crucial breakthrough for opening new avenues and shaping new advantages in educational development. The UNESCO advocates for the construction of a new “social contract”, fully leveraging the educational dividends brought by digital technology to better demonstrate education as a global public interest. The UN Transforming Education Summit calls on countries to fully harness the power of the digital revolution to drive global education reform, ensuring the provision of high-quality education and lifelong learning as a common interest for everyone. China has proposed advancing educational digitalization, constructing a learning society, and becoming a learning-oriented nation with lifelong learning for all.
As a new form of education in the digital era, smart education is an inevitable choice for advancing equitable, inclusive, and high-quality education. From the perspective of the digital transformation of education, the new features of smart education are manifested in two aspects. Firstly, the key characteristic of the national or regional smart education ecosystem is the “development goals” of smart education. These goals include student-centered teaching, comprehensive learning assessment, ubiquitous smart learning environments, ongoing improvement of educational culture, and a commitment to inclusive and equitable education. Secondly, the auxiliary constructive features of the smart education system, namely the “practical pathways” of smart education, include the proactive construction of student social communities, priority support programs for teacher development, ethical technology applications, sustainable education reform plans, and effective cross-sector and cross-domain collaboration.
Collaborating on forward-looking strategic and policy planning, leading the sustainable development of smart education.
Policies are the key guarantee for driving the digital transformation of education. The development of smart education is a major undertaking in educational reform that requires systematic planning and scientific planning. It is essential to ensure the normative and orderly integration of technologies like artificial intelligence into the educational ecosystem and utilize new technologies to facilitate the development of precise and efficient educational applications and governance mechanisms. The technological conditions necessary for the development of the education sector have a certain level of complexity. This complexity necessitates a comprehensive understanding and implementation of public policies that leverage intelligent technologies to promote sustainable development. This should involve the joint efforts and extensive participation of stakeholders and the general public, achieving collaborative construction of the digitized education system by multiple entities.
Governments should advance the development of smart education based on their governance structure and specific circumstances. They should focus on three strategic leverage points: transforming teaching methods, constructing smart learning environments, and formulating forward-looking policies. It is crucial to consider fairness and inclusion, a culture of continuous improvement, and collaboration across multiple sectors. Policymakers should reevaluate, analyze, and formulate national education policies from aspects such as information infrastructure, digital educational resources and platforms, curriculum and teaching methods, digital literacy and competence, technology governance, and educational administration. Local governments and schools should actively promote the construction of a new smart education ecosystem. This involves designing and implementing smart campuses and innovative learning environments, improving the effectiveness of learning, operational efficiency of schools, and the efficiency of digital tools and resources. It also includes innovating technology-enhanced personalized learning and differentiated teaching models, along with continuous monitoring. Researchers should strengthen collaboration with frontline education professionals, decision-makers, and administrators to further facilitate the coordinated development of smart education.
Promoting the integration of science and education as well as the fusion of industry and education to support innovative practices in smart education.
In the interaction of technological progress, social transformation, and educational changes, technology and education are gradually forming a new pattern of systematic, deep integration across all fields, elements, processes, and businesses. This integration exhibits characteristics of extensive coverage, diversity, and multiple values. Fundamentally, in smart education, “wisdom” emanates from the teacher; in intelligent education, “intelligence” arises from the environment; and in future education, its “transformation” manifests in its form. The continuous upgrade of the intelligent technology ecosystem will serve the adaptive growth of students, support the professional development of teachers, and facilitate the intelligent upgrade of learning environments. The integration of science and education is the driving force for reshaping the talent cultivation system, while the fusion of industry and education is a mechanism guaranteeing the resilience of education and the economy. It supports and guides innovative practices in smart education.
To deeply advance digitalization of education and innovate the development of smart education, the key lies in cultivating the digital thinking of the education system, solidifying digital support capabilities, creating high-quality digital learning content, and constructing a nationwide digital learning public service system. The UN Transformation Education Summit has initiated the “Gateways to Public Digital Learning” initiative aimed at creating an inclusive digital learning platform and content, forming a global public digital learning resource network. China is implementing its education digitalization strategy by constructing the National Smart Education Platform and lanuching its international version, updating educational concepts, transforming teaching methods, innovating digital teaching methods, promoting on-demand learning, and creating a new form of smart education enabled by technology, sustainable development, and open cooperation.
Seizing the opportunity presented by the Global Smart Education Conference, let us collaboratively embark on the creation of a bright future for smart education that benefits all of humanity.
Since its inception in 2020, the Global Smart Education Conference has served as a crucial platform for international collaboration and exchange in smart education. In a bid to drive effective global practices in smart education, strengthen international understanding and international communication, and promote educational reform and innovation, Beijing Normal University (BNU), in collaboration with UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE), the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), has jointly initiated the “Global Smart Education Network (GSENet)”. The network has launched the “GSENet Beijing Declaration on Smart Education Strategies”, dedicated to continuously exploring the use of emerging technologies to promote equitable and inclusive high-quality education for all.
As the annual conference of GSENet, the Global Smart Education Conference 2024 will be held in Beijing from August 18 to 20. The conference, themed around “Education Transformation & International Understanding”, will feature plenary sessions, high-level dialogues, thematic forums, roundtable discussions, and workshops on smart education policies, technologies, and practices. It aims to release research findings and collaboration plans, showcase exemplary cases and solutions, and facilitate in-depth exchanges and collaboration to collectively pave the way for a brighter future in smart education for all of humanity.
Education Transformation & International Understanding
Collaborating on forward-looking strategic and policy planning, leading the sustainable development of smart education.
Promoting the integration of science and education as well as the fusion of industry and education to support innovative practices in smart education.
Seizing the opportunity presented by the Global Smart Education Conference, let us collaboratively embark on the creation of a bright future for smart education that benefits all of humanity.
Forum on Digital Transformation through Smart Education
Forum on Mental & Physical Health: Supporting Personal Development of Adolescents
Forum on Smart Reading
Forum on Digital Transformation of K-12 Education
Forum on Smart Learning Environments and Digital Infrastructure
Forum on AI for Comprehensive Assessment and Evaluation
Forum on Digitalization for Regional Educational Development
Forum on Development and Use of Digital Textbooks
Forum on Smart Learning in Early Childhood Care and Education
Forum on AI-driven Innovation in Higher Education
Forum on AI and the Future of Teaching
Forum on Smart Villages and Education for Rural Transformation
Forum on Integration of Education,Technology and Industry
Forum on Digital Education and Lifelong Learning
Forum on Innovation, Research and Best Practices in Smart Education
Forum on Women's Leadership in Smart Education
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in AI and Education
Forum on Digital Education Development for Small Island Developing States
GSENet Partners' Meeting
UNESCO IITE Governing Board Meeting
Final Review of the 7th Global Competitionon Design for Future Education (K-12Track)
Student Forum on Smart Learning and Future Education Design
TVET Leadership and Management Benchmarking Programme (Workshop)
Smart Education Exhibition
Continuously updated...
Minister, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka
Minister of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development,Maldives
Minister for Education, Seychelles
Minister,Department of Education,Papua New Guinea
First Undersecretary,Ministry of Education, Egypt
Assistant Minister of Education for Higher Education,Ministry of Education, Serbia
Assistant to Minister,Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Secretary of State to the Minister of Basic Education,Cameroon
Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia Bojana
Director General,Arab League Educational, Cultural and ScientificOrganization(ALECSO)
member of the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST)
The creator of the terms “digital natives” and “digital immigrants”;writer and speaker on education
General Manager CCK (Centre de Calcul El-Khawarizmi), Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Minister of State, Ministry of Education and Youth, Jamaica
Acting Chief Technical Officer,Ministry of Education, Mauritius
Director of UNESCO IITE
Board Member of UNESCO IITE, Chair Professor of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University
Director,Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization(SEAMEO) Secretariat
Co-President ISTE/ASCD Board of Directors
Director,UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)
Director,UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean(IESALC)
A.I. Director,UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE)
Director of UNESCO MGIEP
Director of the Education Innovation and Skills Development Department at UNESCO Bangkok Office
Director of ICT Department, Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization(ALECSO)
Past Chair,Information for All Programme(IFAP)
Chair holder of the UNESCO Chair “Global Health & Education”
Chair of the Commission on Education of Rehabilitation International
Director of Telecommunication Development Bureau Chief of Department, Partnerships for Digital Development, ITU
Full Professor, State University of Campinas
Chair-holder,UNESCO Chair on Harnessing lnnovations in Technology toSupport Teachers and Quality Learning
Chairman,International Commission on Cyber Security Law
Secretary General,International Council for Open and Distance Education(ICDE)
Director of Centre for Flexible Learning,University of the South Pacific
Chief of Unit of ICT in Health Education,UNESCO IITE
Education Innovation Lead, Asia-Europe Foundation(ASEF)
Lead Specialist in Educational Technology Division, Ministry of Education, Singapore (MOE)
Emeritus Professor,Stockholm University
Vice-Chancellor,Open University of Kenya
Deputy Director of Policy Department,Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia Bojana
eputy Director of Information Technology Department,Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia Bojana
Rector, Virtual University of Pakistan
Vice-Rector, University of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs,Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Professor,Université Côte d'Azur
Professor,Université Côte d'Azur
Managing Director, Books,Springer Nature
The Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy ,propn University of Banja Luka,Bosnia and Herzegovina
CEO of Contact North
Leader of Ishmael Consulting
Author、Consultant of Ishmael Consulting
Chief Academic Officer, Lumen Learning
Chief of Unit of Teacher Professional Development and Networking,UNESCO IITE
Chief of Unit of Digital Pedagogy and Learning Materials,UNESCO IITE
Vice President of Economics, University of Havana, Cuba
Professor,Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Cloud Director, Centre de Calcul El-Khawarizmi, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Professor of Addis Ababa University
Chancellor, University of Goroka
Vice Chancellor,University of Goroka
Executive Director,University of Goroka Institute of Technical Vocational Education and Training
CEO, The Kenya School of TVET
Founder Director-General,Open University of Mauritius
Interim Vice Chancellor,Tonga National University
Chancellor and President,Griffith University
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Educational Innovation) , University of Sydney
Professor Emeritus, Charles Darwin University
Executive Director of Education Transformation, The University of Adelaide, Australia
Assistant Professor, Advanced Technology Development Centre,Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpu
Chairman, SMK Global Teknologi
Director of Center for International Education Promotion, Thaksina Business Technological College
Head of Education Office, Saint Froncois General Knowledge And Private Technical High School
Director, Ampang Community College, Department Of Polytechnic And Community College Education, Ministry Of Higher Education Malaysia
University Council Chairman, University of Technology and Education, The University of Danang
Head of Academic Office, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Deputy Director, Department Of Polytechnic And Community College Education Malaysia
Head of Academic Office, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
Head of Industrial Department of EASTERN TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE (E.TECH)
Vice president of Attawit Commercial Technology College and -Southeast Bangkok University
Director of Sahavith School -Sahavith Business Administration Technological college
Excellent Teacher, Technical School Sarawak Malaysia
Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program and Head of TVET Research Centre, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
School Coordinator, Kolej Vokasional Sungai Buloh
Vice Dean of Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Dean of Faculty of Electronics, National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
Principal IV, Calasiao Comprehansive National High School, Department of Education
Director of Samutprakarn Technological College
Deputy Director of Science Technology Office, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
Continuously updated...
Secretary of the Party Committee, Beijing Normal University, China; Director of the Council of Beijing Normal University, China; Chairman of National Engineering Research Centre of Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology, China
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
President, Beijing Normal University, China; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries; Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea; Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; President, Tongji University, China
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; President, Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Steward, The Hong Kong Jockey Club;Chairman, Institute of Philanthropy;Council Chairman, City University of Hong Kong
President, Wuhan University of Technology, China
Professor, Guangdong University of Technology
President, The Education University of Hong Kong
Vice President, China Association of Higher Education
Director of Qinghai Provincial Department of Education, China
Level I Bureau Rank Official, Sichuan Provincial Department of Education, China
Deputy Director, Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education, China
President, China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association
Dean, Chinese Academy of Press and Publication
Deputy Director, The Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21
Deputy Director, Department of Social Affairs, The Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21
Executive Vice President, CIUR, China
Deputy Director, Department of Science, Technology and Informatization, Ministry of Education, P.R. China
Member of Experts at the Ministry of Education’s “Smart Education Demonstration Zone” Construction Project, P.R.China
Secretary General, China Educational Equipment Industry Association (CEEIA)
Vice President and Secretary General of the Chinese Society of Education, China
Vice President, Beijing Normal University, China
Professor, Beijing Normal University, China
Tenured Professor, East China Normal University, China
Founder of Beijing Design Society, China
Vice Director of the University Council of Beijing Normal University
Dean, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China
Director, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Beijing Normal University, China
Co-Dean of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University , Chairman of NetDragon
Co-Dean of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University
Director of Education Information Technology and Network Security Division, Department of Science, Technology and Information, Ministry of Education
Vice rector,Chinese University of Hong Kong
Director of the Institute for Higher Education Research and Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Programme Director,CoolThink@JC
Professor; Executive Deputy Director, Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base (Central China), Ministry of Education, P.R.China
Co-director of the Lab of Knowledge Modeling and Analysis of National Engineering Research Centre of Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology, China
Vice Director, Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base (Beijing), Ministry of Education, P.R.China
Director, Changsha Municipal Education Bureau, China
Director, Education Bureau of Minhang District, Shanghai, China
Director, Longhua District Education Bureau, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China
Deputy Director, Education Bureau of Wuhu City, Anhui Province, China
Professor at the Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University
Co-founder and Chairman of Onion Academy
Deputy Director of Education and Youth Development Bureau,Macao Special Administrative Region
Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Education,University of Macau, China
Director of Educational Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre,The Education University of Hong Kong
Director, Public Service Bureau of Chongqing High-tech Zone, China
Member of the Education Work Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee
Director, Education Bureau of Baoshan District, Shanghai City, China
Director, Karamay Education Bureau, China
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, China
Deputy Director, Education Bureau of Furong District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China
Vice Principal & Senior Teacher, Wusong Middle School, Baoshan District, Shanghai City, China
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China
Director, Education and Sports Bureau of Shizhong District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, China
Deputy Director, Education Bureau of Tianjin City, China
Director, Education Bureau of Dadong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China
Deputy Director, Education and Sports Bureau of Honggutan District, Nanchang, China
Professor, Nanjing University, China
President, Haidian Institute of Education Science, Beijing, China
Professor, Vice President, Central University of Finance and Economics, China
Deputy Director, Education Bureau of Wuhu City, Anhui Province, China
Director, Education and Sports Bureau of Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, China
Vice President, NetDragon Websoft Inc.; Vice Dean, Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China
Professor, Zhejiang University, China
Director, Shuangliu District Education Bureau, Chengdu, China
Director & Party Secretary, Nanhai District Education Bureau of Foshan City, China
Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University, China
Dean, Chengdu Education Research Institute, China
Deputy Director, Luoyang Xigong District Education Bureau, China
Principal, Yuxin Primary School, Yuhua District, Changsha City, Hunan Province
Vice Dean, School of Information Technology in Education, South China Normal University, China
Former Director, National Library of China
Director, Publishing Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Press and Publication; Director, National Reading Research and Promotion Center
Chief, Reading and Publishing Sub-branch, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Dean, Yinling Academy
Secretary of the Education Work Committee, Nanshan District Committee of Shenzhen, China
Poet, International Center for Writing, Beijing Normal University, China
Grade 5, Class 10, First Primary School of Ziyun Autonomous County, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, "My Journey of Smart Reading"
Director, Children's Editorial Department, People's Education Press
Director, Educational Science Research Office, Jiangning District, Nanjing City, China
Head, the Art Teaching and Research Group at the Feicui City Branch of Beijing Primary School, China
Deputy Director, Zhuji City Education and Sports Bureau, Zhejiang Province, China
Director, Suzhou Industrial Park Education Bureau, China
Deputy Director of Student Work Department, Soochow University
Professor, School of Literature, Shanghai University, Doctoral supervisor, Children's Literature Author
Director, Education and Sports Bureau, Laoshan District, Qingdao
Dean, Graduate School, Communication University of China
Secretary General, National Student Mental Health Work Advisory Committee
Senior Vice President, iFLYTEK
Deputy Director, Changsha Municipal Education Bureau, China
CEO, Luoyang Jingshi Ruidao Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd, China
Secretary of the Party Committee & Director, Heping District Education Bureau of Tianjin, China
Young author, Critic
Vice chairman, China Educational Equipment Industry Association school book equipment branch
Professor, Henan University, China
Editor/Associate editor, ChineseWriter, Writer, Ethnic Minorities in Guangxi
President, Jiangsu Academy of Educational Science, China
President, Shanghai University of Sport, China
Professor, Beijing Normal University, China
Party Committee Secretary, Broadcasting and Anchoring School, Communication University of China
Secretary, Shuangliu Middle School, Sichuan Province, China
Capital Normal University, China
Deputy Chief Engineer, Data Space Research Institute of the Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center; Deputy Director, Health Big Data Research Center
Director, Department of Library and Reading, Center for Educational Technology and Resource Development, Ministry of Education, P.R.China
Vice Dean, Chinese Academy of Press and Publication
Professor, Institute of Special Education, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University
Deputy Director, Education and Technology Bureau of Ziyun Miao and Buyi Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, China
Central China Normal University, China
Professor, Beijing Normal University, China
President, Changsha Municipal Institute of Education Science, Hunan Province, China
Deputy Director, Department of Science and Technology, Capital Normal University, China
Chief Physician, Tianjin Orthopedic Hospital, China
Vice Dean, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China
Dean, School of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China
Vice Dean, School of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing Normal University, China
Executive Secretary General, Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Innovation Alliance, China
Dean, School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University, China
Information Technology Department, Hanyang District Teaching Research and Training Center, Wuhan, China
Professor; Deputy Director, Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base (Beijing), Ministry of Education, P.R.China
Party Committee Secretary, Jinan Information Engineering School, China
Vice President, The Open University of China
AgentLand Laboratory Manager, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China
Principal, Xingyuan Primary School, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing City, China
Principal, Tianfu New District No.7 Primary School, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
Institute of Higher Education, Beijing Normal University, China
Vice President, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Ethnic High School, Guizhou Ziyun Autonomous County, China
Director, Informatization Office, Tsinghua University, China
Senior Vice President, NetDragon Websoft Inc., China
Senior Vice President of NetDragon Websoft Inc., China; Chairman of Fujian Huayu (China); Chairman of Fuzhou Software Technology Vocational College, China
Founder and CEO, Digital Campus, OUR SCHOOL, China
President, Hailiang Technology Group, China
General Manager, Education Industry Business, Tencent Cloud, China
Director, the Education Bureau of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
SDU-ANU Joint Science College, Shangdong University, China
Director, Center for Educational Technology and Resource Development, Ministry of Education, P.R.China
Deputy Director, Steering Committee on Teaching Informatization and Teaching Method Innovation for Higher Education Institutions, Ministry of Education, P.R.China
Director, Changning District Education Bureau, Shanghai City, China
Director, Yuzhong District Education Commission, Chongqing City, China
Director, Beijing Digital Education Center, China
Principal, Yinchuan Kindergarten, Beijing Normal University, China
Professor, Nanjing University, China
Principal, Guanggu No.1 Primary School, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China
Vice President, Xidian University, China
President, Guangdong Polytechnic, China
Chief Editor, Higher Education Press, China
Chairman, Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Lin’an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Chief Executive Officer, Kingsha, China
Principal, Tangjiawan Middle and Primary School, Xiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province, China
Vice Dean, Institute of Artificial Intelligence Education, South China Normal University, China
Principal, Longhua Central Primary School, Longhua District, Shenzhen City, China
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China
Director, Education and Sports Bureau, Nancheng County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, China
Secretary-General of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Educational Equipment, China
Former Deputy Director, Bureau of Education of Changsha Municipality, Hunan Province, China
Director, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Education Burea, Chongqing City, China
Vice President, Central University of Finance and Economics, China
Deputy Secretary-General, China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association
Director, Operation and Maintenance Center, Sichuan Provincial Education Informationization and Big Data Center, China
Dean, Shanghai Pudong Institute of Education Development, China
Principal, Lijia Experimental Primary School, Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing City, China
Principal, Hangzhou TianShui Kindergarten, Zhejiang Province, China
Executive Vice Dean, Institute of Artificial Intelligence Education, South China Normal University, China
School of Educational Technology, Northwest Normal University, China
Director, Department of Education Information Technology, East China Normal University, China
Deputy Director, Center for Educational Technology and Informatization Research, Tianjin Academy of Educational Science, China
Director, the Education Bureau of Yangzhong City, Jiangsu Province, China
Principal, Xinpu Central Primary School, Mian County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, China
Vice President, Beijing Forestry University, China
Professor, Zhejiang University, China
Deputy Director, Education Management Information Center, Ministry of Education, P.R.China
Principal, Mingda High School, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China
Assistant Researcher, Collaborative Innovation Centre of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, China
Post-Doctorate of Beijing Normal University
Post-doctorate, Beijing Normal University, China
Chief Editor of China Education Daily, Special Issue on Informatization and Smart Education, China
No.2, Manjing Road, Shahe Town, Changping District, Beijing