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Partners of GSENet

Pubdate:2024.12.12. 16:16 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

*Sorted in alphabetical order



Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)

ALECSO is a Tunis-based specialized institution established by the League of Arab States in 1970. As stated in Article One of its Constitution, ALECSO was established with the aim of promoting Arab intellectual unity through education, culture and sciences, and enhancing the educational, cultural and scientific level in the Arab World so that it can positively contribute to universal civilization. ALECSO works with global partners to promote the integration of modern technologies into education, enhancing access, and fostering innovation across member




Asia e University (AeU)

Asia e University(AeU) is a leading Open and Distance Learning (ODL) university in Malaysia, and one of the premier ODL institutions in Asia. AeU aims to remove barriers that can limit access to Higher Education and make it more accessible, affordable and beneficial for their learners. For more than a decade, they have improved the lives of thousands of people around the world through their unique approach to education and they have learned how to deliver an exceptional educational experience for all their learners.





Beijing Normal University (BNU)

Beijing Normal University (BNU) grew out of the Education Department of Imperial University of Peking and established in 1902, which initiated teacher training in China’s higher education landscape. BNU is a comprehensive and research-intensive university with its main characteristics of basic disciplines in sciences and humanities, teacher education and educational science. At present, the university has established cooperative ties with about 300 universities and international organizations from more than 40 countries and regions. Each year, over 900 international professors and scholars are invited to lecture and research at BNU.





Commonwealth of Learning (COL)

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1987 by Commonwealth Heads of Government. COL aims to create and widen access to opportunities for learning, making use of the potential offered by distance education and by the application of information and technologies to education. Its greatest impact is in supporting efforts to provide Commonwealth citizens greater access to quality education and training through open, distance and technology-enabled learning.



Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University(HBMSU)

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) in Dubai is the first ever smart learning institution accredited by the UAE Ministry of Education. HBMSU aims to enable knowledge creation and application through disruptive innovation and transformation, and provide unique lifelong learning opportunities, intellectually stimulating learning experience and diverse community of faculty, staff, learners and alumni. HBMSU is committed to promoting international relations and foster partnerships with institutions of higher education and professional organizations aligned with the strategic direction of the University.





International Institute for Capacity Building(IICBA)

IICBA is a category 1 UNESCO institute, based in Addis Ababa. Founded in 1999, it aims to inform education policies, strengthen teacher professional development, and build capacity in education institutions, including Ministries of Education. Providing innovative solutions and scale-up efforts to improve educational outcomes in Africa, IICBA works with a range of partners, including the African Union, UN agencies, other international organizations, development banks, bilateral donors, foundations, teacher organizations, school networks, and nonprofits.




International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)

ICDE is an international network of visionary leaders and advocates of accessible education. Through our community, we connect global expertise to meet local challenges to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: Equitable quality education for all. ICDE has collaborative partnerships with organizations around the world, including as a Consultative Partner to UNESCO since 1960’s to fosters a global network of educators, policymakers, and innovators, facilitating collaboration on projects, sharing best practices, and advancing Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning (OFDL) through reports, events, and advocacy. This commitment creates space for intercultural cooperation and promotes the recognition of OFDL worldwide.





International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of education through technology. ISTE was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Eugene, Oregon, USA. Inspired by innovative, forwardlooking educators, ISTE is a community of changemakers who help educators use technology to revolutionize learning. ISTE’s vision is that all students engage in transformative learning experiences that spark their imagination and prepare them to thrive in learning and life.





Moroccan International Center for Artificial Intelligence (MICAI)

MICAI is a center of excellence in Artificial Intelligence that aims to foster the emergence of Moroccan expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences. MICAI works as an articulating and consolidating tool of various actions related to the field of Al, and a lever to anticipate and accompany the evolutions and transformations related to Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences. MICAl has the ambition to make Morocco a regional AI hub, positively impacting its ecosystem across strategic, educational, and industrial levels.





Open University of Kenya (OUK)

The Open University of Kenya (OUK) is an institution of higher learning dedicated to providing flexible and high-quality distance education. OUK aims to address the pressing issue of limited capacity in traditional universities by employing innovative teaching and learning methodologies, including online and distance education. By leveraging technology and flexible learning modes, the university seeks to accommodate a larger number of qualified students, enabling them to pursue higher education without the constraints of physical presence and limited campus capacities.





Open University of Mauritius (OU)

The Open University of Mauritius(OU) is a public university in Mauritius. It offers programmes leading to undergraduate, and postgraduate degrees through open and distance learning. Its mission is to use technology and flexible mode of teaching to serve society, transform lives and make high quality education, lifelong learning, and training accessible to everyone while promoting excellence in research. The OU is working with several partners at the regional and international.





Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)

SEAMEO is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1965 among governments of Southeast Asian countries to promote regional cooperation in education, science and culture. The Ministers of Education of SEAMEO Member Countries are, by position, the members of the SEAMEO Council, the purpose of which is to share and maximize the use of resources, with collective leadership to be provided by each Council member. SEAMEO Secretariat is the executive arm of the Council and the headquarters of the Organization, which is located in Bangkok, Thailand.





UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE)

UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) was established as an integral part of UNESCO by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 29th session (November 1997) and is located in Moscow, Russian Federation. IITE is the only UNESCO category 1 institute that holds a global mandate for ICT in education. The mission of lITE in the new era is promoting the innovative use of ICT and serving as facilitator and enabler for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) through ICTenabled solutions and best practices.




UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC)

The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) was created by the UNESCO General Conference in 1997, replacing the Regional Center for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CRESALC for its Spanish abbreviation) established in 1974. It is the sole specialized institute of the United Nations system with the mission to contribute to the improvement of higher education in member States. The priorities of the Institute for the biennium 2020- 2021 have been set, based on needs and the expectations of the leadership role of UNESCO in the development of Sustainable Development Goal 4, the guidelines and recommendations of the III Regional Conference of Higher Education (CRES 2018), as well as consultations with ministries, university agencies, higher education specialists, including UNESCO Chairs, higher education networks and other international organizations.




University of Goroka (UOG)

The University of Goroka (UOG) is the third largest of the six universities in Papua New Guinea (PNG), and is by far the largest teacher education institution. The University was formed in 1997 from two faculties of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Goroka Teacher’s College (GTC) and the Faculty of Education. The university is focusing on providing Quality Teacher Education to meet the nation’s need for teacher education.
