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Forum on the New Ecology of Regional Smart Education

Pubdate:2022.4.28. 8:08 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Opening Remarks

Official of Department of Science, Technology and Information, Ministry of Education, P.R.C

Mr. XU Lin, Director of China Educational Technology, Center for Educational Technology and Resource Development, Ministry of Education, P.R.C (National Center for Educational Technology, NCET)


Project Release

Progress report on the construction of the Smart Education Pilot Zone & Excellent Case Collection on Smart Education


Keynote Speech

  • Digital Transformation of Education and the Development of Regional Smart Education

Prof. YANG Zongkai, Head of the Expert Group on Smart Education Demonstration Area Construction Program; Director of Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base (Central China), Ministry of Education, P.R.C

  • Strategic Vision and Practical Exploration of Digital Transformation in Education

Mr. LI Yongzhi, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, China

  • Technology Empowers the Innovative Development of Education, Strive to Build a New Ecosystem of Smart Education in Beijing in This New Era

Mr. ZHANG Xianguo, Director of Information Technology Department, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, China


Invited Speech

  • Shenzhen’s Planning Path and Implementation Strategy for Establishing National Smart Education Pilot Zone

Mr. CHEN Qiuming, Director of Shenzhen Education Bureau, Guangdong Province, China

  • Data Empowerment and System Reshaping Promote the High-quality and Balanced Development of Education in Dongcheng

Mr. GAO Wei, Director of the Education Commission of Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

  • Digital Pedestal-based Regional Digital Transformation Exploration

Ms. XIONG Qiuju, Deputy Party Secretary of the Education Committee and Director of Education Bureau, Changning District, Shanghai, China

  • Digital Transformation Promotes the Transformation of Regional Smart Education

Mr. HE Meilong, Director of Education Bureau, Minhang District, Shanghai, China

  • Regional Education Informatization Promotion Mechanism Based on “Government, Enterprise, School and Research” Synergy–Bengbu City’s “Smart Education” Construction Practice

Mr. SHENG Liang, Director of Education Bureau, Bengbu, Anhui Province, China

  • Data-driven Education Informatization, Upgrading and Transformation of Regional Education in Wenzhou

Mr. ZHENG Huandong, Director of Education Bureau, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

  • Educating with the Power of “New Three States” and Keeping Original Intention of the Growth of Wuhou Students

Mr. WANG Yi, Director of Education Bureau, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China

  • Contribute to Digital Strategic Actions, Promote the High-quality and Balanced Development of Education

Mr. XIAO Chunxi, General Manager of Industry BG Technical Department of H3C, China