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Forum on Teacher Education in Metaverse World

Pubdate:2022.4.28. 8:08 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Opening Remarks

Prof. Getachew Engida, Former Africa Assistant Officer of UNESCO

Prof. ZHU Xudong, Dean of Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China


Keynote Speech

  • The path of innovative development of the integration of metaverse and Web 3.0

Prof. CHEN Zhong, School of Computer Science, Peking University, China; Director of Blockchain Research Centre, Peking University, China; Director of the Institute of Metaverse Technology, Peking University, China

  • Teachers, the Digital Divide and the Metaverse

Dr. Awol Endris Adem, Education Programme Specialist, UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa, Kenya

  • Metaverse-supported Teacher Development Scenarios

Prof. LIU Geping, Vice Chairman of China Higher Education information Academy (CHEIA); Professor at Southwest University, China

  • How Do Teachers Help Students with Motivation

Ms. Annie Ning, Director of Asia Affairs, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

  • Capacity Building of Teachers and Teacher Educators in e-Learning Content Development and e-Assessment in Africa: UNESCO-IICBA’s Experiences

Dr. Temechegn Engida, Programme Officer, International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA)

  • The great technological convergence of the educational metaverse

Mr. CHEN Hong, CTO of Netdragon

  • AI and Open Education

Prof. Colin De La Higuera, UNESCO Chair in Technologies for the Training of Teachers by OER, University of Nantes, France


Mid Break

Video: E-library for Teachers


Invited Speech

  • Go-Lab, an Ecosystem for Inquiry-Based Instruction

Prof. Ton de Jong, Chair of the Golab Project, Netherlands  Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, University of Twente, Netherlands

  • A Peer Assessment Platform for Smart Education

Prof. Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania

  • Metaverse in Education

Prof. Cynthia Calongne, Parker University, USA

  • Motivation-enhanced Smart Learning in the Metaverse

Prof. Stylianos Mystakidis, Researcher, The University of Patras, Greece

  • When Education meets the Metaverse: an overview and challenges

Dr. Lik-hang Lee, Assistant Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

  • Teaching through Urban Sensorium: Urban Spatiality as a Smart Learning Environment

Dr. Gaana Jayagopalan, Associate Professor, Alliance University, India