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Conference Registration

Thank you for your interest in the 2021 Global Smart Education Conference. Please sign up here to participate the conference. Please choose online or offline participation through the portal of the website. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of on-site participation is limited. For those who wish to join the conference on-site, please wait for the confirmation email sent by the organizing committee.

Fee standard for on-site attendance:
Early Bird Ticket (prior to 31st. July):
1,980 RMB/ person for general participants;
1480 RMB / person for teachers;
780 RMB / person for students.
Regular Ticket (1st. August afterwards):
2480 RMB / person for general participants;
1980 RMB / person for teachers;
980 RMB / person for students.

Contact: gse@bnu.edu.cn




*How did you hear about the conference?