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Forum on Reform of School Education in the Intelligent Era

Pubdate:2022.4.28. 9:09 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Opening Remarks

Prof. HU Qintai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong University of Technology, China

Prof. LIU Jian, Dean of China Education Innovation Institute, Beijing Normal University, China


Keynote Speech

Prof. KE Qingchao, Vice Dean of School of Information Technology in Education, South China Normal University

Prof. LI Yushun, Faculty of Education of Beijing Normal University, China

  • Intelligent Assessment of Mental Health

Prof. LUO Fang, Faculty of Psychology of Beijing Normal University, China

Prof. CAO Xiaoming, Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University, China

  • The 4th Education Revolution

Prof. Anthony Seldon, President and co-founder of the International Alliance for Active Education, UK

  • Smart Learning Futures: Next generation digital education

Dr. Christina Hong, President of Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), Hong Kong, China


Invited Speech

  • Information Technology Empowered Inquiry-based Learning for Children

Ms. GAN Lu, Pre-school Teaching Researcher at Longhua District Education Science Research Institute, Shenzhen, China; Chief Principal of Preschool Education Group of Longhua District Education Science Research Institute, Shenzhen, China; Senior Teacher

  • Technology-empowered School Transformation

Mr. SONG Yan, Director of the Information Center, Beijing Eleventh School, China

  • Technology-empowered Project-based Learning: Providing Good Education to Every Child

Ms. ZHANG Jia, Secondary School Researcher of Teacher Development Center, Suzhou Industrial Park, China; Senior teacher

  • The Path and Practice of Digital Transformation in Primary and Secondary Schools – Case Study at Tianjin Yinghua International School

Ms. CHENG Xin, Director of Educational Technology Office of Tianjin Yinghua International School, China