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Forum on AI-driven Open Education

Pubdate:2022.4.28. 10:10 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Opening Remarks

Dr. Mohamed Jemni, Director of the ICT department, ALECSO

Prof. LI Song, Vice President of the Open University of China


Keynote Speech

  • Towards Open Intelligent Innovative Learning

Dr. Lilia Chniti, University of Sousse, Tunisia

  • How Explainable Artificial Intelligence Benefit Education?

Dr. LU Yu, Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University, China

  • Openness and Ethics in an age of AI: Educational Futures

Dr. Eamon Costello, Associate Professor, Dublin City University, Ireland

Dr. Rob Farrow, Researcher, Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, Ireland

  • OER and AI in Palestine : A road to internationalization

Dr. Soheil Salha, An-Najah National University

  • AI and assessment of open learning skills

Dr. Abderrahim ghassoub, Education Orientation and Planning Center – Rabat-Morocco


Panel discussion

Discussion with the presenters about open education and AI


Invited Speech

  • Learning Quality, Artificial Intelligence and Ethic

Dr. Christian M. Stracke, Bonn University, Germany

  • How can artificial intelligence hardware and software applications improve students’ learning?

Mr. FAN Xing, Co-founder and CTO of Squirrel AI, China

  • Content Validation using Machine Learning – Open Learning Content Creation Platform

Dr. Qing Tan, Associate Professor, Athabasca University, Canada

  • The Role of Technology in Creating Partnerships Across the Borders

Dr. Marek Wosinski, Department of Psychology and Senior Sustainability Scientist at the Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, USA