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Forum on Leveraging Intelligent Technology for Education Innovation & Closing Ceremony

Pubdate:2022.4.28. 9:09 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Keynote Speech

  • Intelligent Technology-based Performance Assessment and Monitoring of Students’ Comprehensive Development

Prof. CHEN Li, Beijing Normal University, China; Director of the Technical Committee of National Engineering Research Centre of Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology, China

  • The Thinking and Practice of Educating People Through the Combination of Technology and Education

Dr. XIN Bing, Researcher and Director of Children & Youth Science Center (CYSC), China Association for Science and Technology

  • Autonomously Driven Machine Learning

Prof. ZHU Wenwu, Professor and Deputy Head of Department of Computer Science and Technology (DCST) of Tsinghua University, China; Deputy Head of Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China

  • Creating a Digital Future Centre to Drive Innovation in Business Talent Training Models

Prof. HUANG Xiankai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Technology and Business University, China

  • Smart Education Strategies for Teaching and Learning

Dr. Sanjaya Mishra, Director in Education, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada

  • AI+X: Integration of Technology for Education Innovation

WU Fei, Head of the Expert Group of Artificial Intelligence and Science and Technology Innovation, Ministry of Education, P.R.C; Director of the Research Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Zhejiang University, China

  • Comparative Paper and Digital Reading Research Study

Prof. Hirotaka Nanba, Hiroshima University, Japan

  • Group Intelligence Research and Thinking in Smart Education

Prof. WU Wenjun, Beihang University, China

  • Rethinking and Redesigning National Smart Education Strategy  Research

Dr. Joseph South, Chief Learning Officer, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), USA

  • Enculturating Smart Learning Technology

Prof. Alan Lesgold, Dean (2000-2016) and Professor Emeritus University of Pittsburgh, USA

  • Mainstreaming OER to Reach the UN UNESCO Sustainability Goal

Prof. Ebba Ossiannilsson, Chair of the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee, Sweden


Opening Remarks

Official of the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, P.R.C

Ms. XIA Juan, Deputy Director of China Center for International People-to-People Exchange Ministry of Education, P.R.C (CCIPE)

Prof. ZHOU Zuoyu, Vice President of Beijing Normal University, China


Project Release

International Report of Supportive Environment on Artificial Intelligence Courses in K-12


Prof. LI Yanyan, Co-director of the Lab of Knowledge Modeling and Analysis of National Engineering Research Centre of Cyberlearning and Intelligent Technology, China


Closing Remarks

Prof. LIU Dejian, Co-Dean of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China

Prof. ZHAN Tao, Director of UNESCO IITE (Online)

Prof. HUANG Ronghuai, Co-Dean of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China