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Opening Ceremony & Forum on Digital Transformation for Smart Education

Pubdate:2022.4.28. 8:08 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Opening Remarks

Official of Ministry of Education, P.R.C.

Leadership of Beijing Normal University, China

Prof. ZHAO Qinping, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

H.E. Mr. Branko Ruzic, First Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia

H.E. Dr. Ahmed Daher, Deputy Minister for Information Technology, the Egyptian Ministry of Education and Technical Education, Egypt

HRH Princess Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, Senior Special Assistant to the President on SDGs, Nigeria

Mr. Azat Atayew, Vice Minister of Education, Turkmenistan

Prof. ZHAN Tao, Director of UNESCO IITE


Project Release

Rethinking and Redesigning National Smart Education StrategyInitiative for Global Smart Education Network (GSENet)


Prof. HUANG Ronghuai, Co-Dean of Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University, China

Dr. Venkataraman Balaji, Vice President, Commonwealth of Learning

Dr. Joseph South, Chief Learning Officer, International Society for Technology in Education

Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Director, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Secretariat

Prof. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director General, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization.

Prof. ZHAN Tao, Director, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education


Keynote Speech

  • Seize the Opportunity of Digital Transformation, Build a New Ecosystem of Smart Education

Mr. LEI Chaozi, Director of Department of Science, Technology and Information, Ministry of Education, P.R.C

  • Digital Transformation of Education: Why, What, How

Prof. GONG Ke, Former President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO); Executive Dean of Chinese Institute of New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Strategies (CINGAI)

  • In-depth Discipline of Intelligent Mathematics Educational Technology

Prof. ZHANG Jingzhong, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • React Actively to  the New Challenges of Digital Transformation

Prof. ZHONG Binglin, Beijing Normal University, China; Committee member of the State Education Commission of P.R.C

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Educational Innovation

Prof. ZHENG Qinghua, Vice President of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

  • Curriculum Transformation in the Post Pandemic Era

Mr. Renato Opertti, Senior Expert of UNESCO IBE


Invited Speech

  • Technology Empowers Digital Transformation in Education

Mr. WANG Hongtao, President of UNISEDU

  • Smart Technologies for Education: What Futures Do We Want?

Prof. Rebecca Eynon, Oxford Internet Institute (OII) and the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, UK

  • Micro-credentials and Their Role in the Digital Transformation of Education

Prof. Rory McGreal, UNESCO/ICDE Chair in OER; Athabasca University, Canada