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Forum on The New Ecology of Regional Smart Education

Pubdate:2021.6.25. 9:09 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Keynote Speech:

Four Key Points on the Promotion of the Regional Education Informatization

Speaker:Mr. CAI Jile, Associate Editor of China Education Daily


The Construction of Smart Education New Ecology Supported by Construction of Educational New Infrastructure

Speaker:Mr. WU Di, Professor of Central China Normal University; Executive Deputy Director of Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base, Ministry of Education, P. R. C(Online)


The Construction of Smart Education Demonstration Districts – For the Benefit of Teaching and Learning for Teachers and Students

Speaker:Ms. WU Yinghui, Dean of Haidian Institute of Education Sciences, Beijing


Smart Education and Intelligent Future

Speaker:Mr. KONG Fanchao, Vice Director of Hexi District Education Bureau, Tianjin(Online)


The Choice of the Time and City – Cloud School in Shenzhen

Speaker:Mr. GONG Weidong, Vice Principal of Shenzhen Senior High School Group; Head of the Preparatory Group of Shenzhen Welkin School(Online)


Promoting the Construction of Educational New Infrastructure to Enhance the Digital Transformation of Regional Education

Speaker:Mr. LIU Gang,Director of Alibaba Cloud E-learning


The Construction and Experience of Huawei Smart Education Demonstration Area

Speaker:Mr. HU Longgen,Vice General-Manager of Department of Government and Enterprise Educational Business in China, Huawei

Moderator:Prof. GUO Jiong,Professor of Northwest Normal University(Online)


Panel Discussion:The Construction and Prospect of Smart Education in Construction of Educational New Infrastructure


Mr. XIE Weimin,Director of Nanchang Municipal Education Bureau, Jiangxi Province(Online)

Mr. YE Shuwen,Vice  Director of  Chenghua District Education Bureau, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province(Online)

Mr. HOU Yuandong, Director of Wenzhou Educational Technology Center(Online)

Mr. LIU Xiuyuan,Vice Director of Qingdao Educational Equipment and Information Technology Center(Online)

Mr. HUANG Jiatao,Vice Director of Yichang Education Information Technology Center, Hubei Province(Online)

Mr. XU Jian,Vice Director of Educational Information Strategy Research Base (Central China)(Online)

Moderator:Prof. GUO Jiong,Professor of Northwest Normal University, Vice Director of Educational Informatization Strategy Research Base (North-west)(Online)

Conference Hall 1, Beijing Normal University, Changping Campus