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Forum 8: The New Ecology of Regional Smart Education

Pubdate:2020.8.16. 9:09 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Opening Address

Guest: Fati Wu, Director of School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University (Online)

Hongming Lu, Secretary of the party committee and Director of Education Bureau of Changsha, Hunan (Online)

Chair: Haiguang Fang, Professor of College of Education, Capital Normal University


Keynote speech


Jianping Wang, Deputy Director of the Education Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Online)

Yuling Zhou, Deputy Secretary of Working Committee of Education of the Municipal Party Committee of Dongcheng District, Beijing (Online)

Ming Li, Director of Yuncheng Bureau of Education (Online)

Minxia Yun, Director of Shanghai Minhang Education Bureau, Shanxi (Online)

Hui Meng, Director of Wuhan Education Bureau, Hubei (Online)

Yaqin Miao, Director of Changsha Education Bureau,Hunan (Online)

Shuang Chen: Secretary of the party committee and Director of Guangzhou Education (Online)

Shijun Zhu: Deputy Director of the Education Bureau of Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan (Online)

Shaohua Xia: Deputy Director of the Public Service Bureau of Management Committee of Xiong’an New Area, Hebei (Online)

Shaoqing Guo, Vice Director of the Group of Expert “Smart Education Demonstration Zone” of the Ministry of Education, Director of National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Learning Analysis Technology of Cyberlearning Data (Online)

Chair: Haiguang Fang, Professor of College of Education, Capital Normal University

Conference Room 2 (Lecture Hall)