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Forum 5: AI and Big Data in Education

Pubdate:2020.8.16. 14:14 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Opening Address

Guest: Xiaoru Wu, Rotary President, iFLYTEK (Video Message)

Chair: Xiaoying Feng, Professor of Beijing Normal University(On-Site)


Keynote Speech

  1. Modeling and Application of Big Data in Education based on DMTS

Guest: Qinhua Zheng, Professor and Director of Distance Education Center, Beijing Normal University (On-Site)

  1. Reflections on the Building and Application of Provincial Auxiliary Decision-making Platform for Education Big Data

Guest: Chun Lei, Director of Educational Technology Centre of Hubei Province (Video Message)

  1. Analysis of Online Education Practices and Effects

Guest: Yong Wang, Deputy Director of Hefei Education Bureau, Anhui Province(Video Message)

  1. Exploration of the Precision Teaching in Zhejiang Province

Guest: Xiaoming Wang, Teaching Researcher of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education (ZPDE) (On-Site)

  1. Personalized Teaching and Learning Fostered by AI and Big Data

Guest: Xin Li, Vice Director of  AI Education Institute of iFLYTEK (On-Site)

Chair: Xiaoying Feng, Professor of Beijing Normal University


Experience Sharing

  1. The Innovation and Development of School Education Supported by AI

Guest: Youyi Li, Principal of the League of Beijing NO.12 High Schools (On-Site)

  1. Personalized Learning Empowered by Big Data

Guest: Wanqiong Zhang, Executive Principal of Beijing New Talent Academy (On-Site)

  1. Research on Precision Teaching Driven by Data

Guest: Zhibing Shen, Vice President of Furen High School, Wuxi (On-Site)

  1. The Application of AI and Big Data in Teaching

Jiaguo Fu, Director of the High School Affiliated to Yunnan Normal University (Video Message)

Chair: Xiaoying Feng, Professor of Beijing Normal University

Conference Room 1 (Stadium)