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Forum 4: Governance and Social Perspective For AI

Pubdate:2020.8.16. 14:14 Author:editorSource:Beijing Normal University

Academician Report

Intelligent Technology Enables Intelligent Society

Guest:Yaonan Wang,Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (Online)

Chair:Qiuyan Zhao, Professor of Beijing Normal University (On-Site)


Keynote Speech

Educational Reform towards the Age of Intelligence

  1. Is Education Ready for AI? Is AI Ready for Education?

Guest:Chee-Kit Looi, Professor of National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Online)

  1. AI and Education: Promise and Implications for Teaching and Learning

Guest:Wayne Holmes,Expert at Nesta, UK(Online)

  1. AI and Open Education

Guest:Colin de la Higuera, Professor, University of Nantes, France (Online)

  1. Thoughts on the Data Rules in the Era of AI

Guest:Xiongshan Cai, Deputy Director and the Chief Researcher of the Legal Research Center, Tencent Research Institute (Online)

  1. Opportunities and Challenges Brought by “Big Data Governance for Regional Education” in the Era of AI

Guest: Tao Lu, Director of Alibaba Ding Talk (Online)

Chair: Lili Tong, Associate Professor of Beijing Normal University (On-Site)


AI and Livelihood Improvement

  1. Imitation and Innovation: Reflections on the Development of Intelligent Science and Technology and the Progress of Human Society

Guest: Zhiwei Luo, Professor of Kobe University, Japan (Online)

  1. AI and Social Governance: Exploration and Practices of Binhai New Area in Tianjin

Guest: Fengbai Yun, Deputy Secretary of Politics and Law Committee, Commission of Binhai New Area, Tianjin (On-Site)

  1. Promoting Intelligent Technology and the Social Participation of the Elderly: the Discussion on the Policy

Guest: Yaoyin Zhu, Members of the Party group of the China National Committee on Aging, Vice Chairman of China National Committee on Aging (On-Site)

  1. The New Concepts and Trends of Gerontology: the Medical Understanding of Human Brain

Guest: Deliang Tang, Professor of Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, USA (Online)

Chair: Peng Lv, Professor of Central South University (On-Site)

Conference Room 2 (Lecture Hall)